User statistics
This window shows statistics of users.
Statistics items
User - name of a user
Count - number of connections from last statistics reset
Last seen - date and time of last connection
Last address - IP address, from which user was connected last time
Session time - time of last connection
Total time - total time of connection from last statistics reset
DL [MB] - amount of data (in MB) downloaded from server from last statistics reset
UL [MB] - amount of data (in MB) uploaded to server from last statistics reset
U/D - upload/download data ratio from last statistics reset
Other controls
Clear - clear statistics
Export - Opens dialog for choosing a file. Statistics will be exported in HTML format to the chosen file.
Email - Statistics in HTML format is opened as an attachement of a new e-mail in Hnet Info system's Mail client. Address must be entered there.
Refresh - statistics refresh
Auto refresh - automatically refresh statistis every second.